Success! Your Nomination Has Been Sent
From the Desk of: Mario Capecchi, PhD
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your child may not know it yet, but your nomination may have just changed the course and direction of their life.
The team is excited to look over your nominee’s credentials.
After an application review, your child will receive a Nomination Packet in the mail from me. Open it right away, because it contains almost everything you need to know about the Congress of Future Medical Leaders and your child’s invitation to attend this life-changing event.
Spaces are limited and the selection process is competitive, so we need to hear back from you by the deadline in your packet. It’s our greatest hope your student is chosen to represent their school as a Delegate to the Congress.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us at (617) 307-7425 or email

Mario Capecchi, Ph.D.
Science Director, National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists, 2007 Nobel Prize in Medicine
“The desire to go into medicine does not come from a place of ambition for most aspiring doctors, including myself. It comes from a wish to help the community and save lives.” – Delegate, 2020
What to Expect as a Delegate at the Congress of Future Medical Leaders
At the Congress, you’ll see and hear about the latest cutting-edge innovations in medical technology, which have included:
- Regenerative Medicine, where researchers are innovating in repairing, replacing, and regenerating tissues and organs damaged by aging, trauma, or disease
- 3D Printing of body parts to replace human and animal organ donation
- Robot-assisted Surgery to perform less invasive and more accurate procedures
- And so much more
“I learned that there is more breadth and depth within medicine than I thought, and that even if I’m not sure what I want to do now there are tons of possibilities for me.”
You’ll almost feel like you are wearing scrubs and surgical gloves as you participate in a LIVE surgery broadcast. You’ll experience the unique opportunity to ask the surgeon probing questions about the cutting-edge technology being used, the surgical approach, and anything else that comes to mind.
Great experience! Had the honor to listen to some of the most greater doctors and scientist, learned new things, had the privilege to see a surgery, and met new people that share the same dream as I do! A life changing experience! – Bridgette Marroquin
“I loved that my daughter discovered she has peers that have the same goal as her. She is not alone, she came home inspired and more determined to achieve her goal as a surgeon.”
You’ll be mentored by some of the greatest minds in medicine and science right now, who will share their stories, insights, and research with you throughout the event. Also in attendance will be young geniuses including 30 under 30 Winners, Google Science Fair Grand Prize Winners, and internationally recognized young innovators. See how they’ve made a difference in the world and get inspired to make your mark.
“The speakers not only imparted their knowledge and experiences with the students, but made a point to personally meet and encourage each and every student who wanted to meet them-very impressive. The speakers were also transparent in the sharing of their struggles and challenges to get to where they are now. Most of the speakers did not start out as privileged. The conference was attended by students from all over our nation. The speakers included Nobel Laureates, physicians, medical scientists, researchers, and others who presented cutting-edge advances in medicine and enabled the students to watch a live orthopedic surgery. This program is everything (and more) that it claims to be. I would encourage any high school students who have an interest in medicine or medical research to attend this amazing conference!” – TD West (FB)
My son was thinking that is was going to be boring. But after getting there an it starting it changed his mind. He enjoyed it so much, we didn’t leave until it was over each night. He learned so much an enjoyed each speaker. That he is wanting to go back next year. Even though he is wanting to go into science engineering. I thank a lot of it was the speakers they all touched on there own personal experiences an how they over came the obstacles to be successful. – Angela Hobbs (FB)
Many students who attend the Congress wonder if medicine is right for them. They wonder if they should pursue science, law, or medicine. And if they’ve decided on medicine, many question which medical area they are most suited for. As your school’s delegate, you’ll walk away with broad exposure to many areas of science, technology, and medicine, giving you greater confidence in your path toward changing the world, making a difference, and earning a great living.
“Before the Congress, I wasn’t completely sure I wanted to go into medicine. After the Congress, I am now more sure than ever that I want to become a physician.”“Before this event, I was a little bit hesitant about pursuing a career in medicine. I was like, ‘this is a lot of work going to medical school, yada yada. After this event, my mind was fixated on the idea.” – Karina Aguilar
The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is a unique event where other high achievers like you will be in attendance from around the country. You’ll get the chance to talk with, meet, and befriend these students, giving you camaraderie and support as you move through your studies. The people you meet at the Congress share your aspirations and struggles, and many Delegates still keep in contact with friends met.
It was an amazing opportunity to talk to people we would never be able to talk to on our own. It also gives you a lot of tips on how to further your career in medicine and also just how to further your life in general. Never be afraid to ask for help and most people will be willing to help you as long as you ask. – Alyssa Johnson
“This is an amazing program that let me talk to many amazing people! I enjoyed talking to other delegates about our futures and where we are from! I now feel prepared to conquer anything I can put my mind to! I have learned so much between medicine and finding out how to make your future possible now!” – Jasmine Johnson
Speaker mentors have included medical school deans, many of whom will share their stories about their medical career and what they’ve learned as they moved from practicing physician to medical school leader. You’ll get your chance to ask questions and get the truth no one else will tell you about what it takes to succeed in medicine.
“Clarity. She realized that medicine is where she is meant to be- and she became more empowered recognizing that of all the successful individuals she heard spark- NONE had an easy path. She had leaned to embrace “the messy middle” and recognizes that is exactly what will make her successful.”
Students aren’t the only beneficiaries of the Congress. As a Delegate, you’re also invited to bring your parents and family to the event free of charge. Your parents will get the opportunity to see the fantastic opportunities found in medicine. As a result, they willl be better able to support you in your journey to succeeding in this competitive field.
“Our Future Physician had an Incredible time at the 2020 Congress. Every part of it was beneficial. Our whole family found the lectures interesting. Having the Parent Portal was Awesome. Our Son is so excited to be going to Vietnam for Future Docs Abroad. All of these experiences will launch him into the future and achieve his goals. A must for all Future Physicians and Medical Scientists! Thanks to All who made it happen!” – Jeff Morin
“I am a single mother who was able to provide this amazing experience for my daughter and myself and I would do it all again. This was so inspirational to us both in more ways than one. The speakers were fantastic and it was such a joy to see all those intelligent kids realize they have the world to change and make better as I’m sure they all will. I would definitely recommend this Congress to anyone. I have a friend that is an NP and she wants to attend after hearing our stories. This was for sure an experience of a lifetime and great memories were made!” – Michelle Atwell-Cordes
Receive the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence
Finally, your nomination also qualifies you to receive the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence. This prestigious award is only given to Congress Delegates with a 3.5 GPA or above. Nomination, proof of academic achievement, attendance, and an exam are required to receive this distinction.